Monday, October 10, 2011

The Big Picture Story Bible

The Big Picture Story Bible
David Helm, author
Gail Schoonmaker, illustrator

I know this book has been out longer than its publication date is showing; we got ours for our boys' 1st birthday back in 2008. At any rate, this is a terrific Bible story book to use for toddlers and preschoolers when you want to do just what the title says: give them the big picture. It's not a substitute for a traditional Bible story book; it doesn't have many stories in it that you might normally expect to see in a children's story Bible. For example, in one picture, you see Joseph in a many colored coat, but that particular story is not in the text.

What the book does do is group periods of Biblical history together and weave them all in one long narrative: the big picture. From Creation onwards, we are waiting to find God's forever king that He promised in the garden. Once Jesus is born, we rejoice in the forever King!

Illustrations are terrific, by the way.

Check this book out if you are looking for a resource to help teach your young children about the big picture of the Biblical narrative.

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